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Video Produced for MAM - Product Overview for Bottles and Pacifiers

MAM’s goal is to improve the health of babies worldwide, as they come up with inventive ways to keep that process moving forward. The way the products can be sterilized and the number of different pacifiers to suit the respective baby’s needs are just a couple of the plethora of ways they contribute to their industry. Sarah and Ria, associates at MAM, contacted DVideo and requested a corporate video that looked to present an overview of their products for internal purposes. And with a wealth of experience on that front, the team jumped at the opportunity!

With a small camera crew for FIeld Production, the team went over to their Purchase headquarters and filmed Sarah and Ria portray the script they had previously written. Our Producers and Cameraman helped to give feedback along the way to further improve their great idea. The crew also shot B-Roll of the space, and later utilized visual materials in post that were provided by the team at MAM. All told, it was a very efficient half-day of filming!


The team then took the footage into the editing suite to get started on the edit. The NLE-platform of choice was Adobe Premiere Pro, and this was used to really put the whole thing together. The editors looked through the footage and used the very best soundbites from Ria and Sarah in the video. Adobe After Effects was also used to give the video even more flare. Existing static images were transformed into interesting motion graphics. Internal templates were used to give the MAM logo a unique style. And with the use of color correction, the blues were pronounced in conjunction with the blue from their logo, thus creating visual continuity.


It was great fun working with the team at MAM! They were fun to work with, collaborative, and very receptive to our ideas. We look forward to working with them again in the near future!

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