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Using bumper ads to boost brand reach!

In an age where the average attention span is decreasing, it’s more important than ever to get your point across quickly and succinctly. And short-form advertising epitomizes this. What do you want your brand to convey? Is there something that you would like to promote? Do you want to make yourself known to the world? Let the team at DVideo Productions help to guide you to your goals.


When creating advertisements to be shown on YouTube, there are three main categories: Bumper Ads, Non-Skippable Ads, and TrueView Ads.

Bumper Ads are the six-second commercials you see that precedes the chosen video you view. They can’t be skipped, and they’re short enough that it doesn’t become a nuisance for the viewer. These types of commercials revolve around a single idea or a single message. Is there an item or a service you’re looking to promote? Is there a simple message you want to proclaim? Bumper Ads accomplish this goal for your brand.

Non-Skippable Ads are commercials that exceed no more than 20 seconds in length and accomplish a more detailed story or message than that in a Bumper Ad. There are two kinds of Non-Skippable Ads: Pre-Roll Ads (before the video) and Mid-Roll Ads (in the middle of the video). One might make more sense than the other, depending on your messaging and preference.

TrueView ads are commercials that last 30-60 seconds in length, allowing for more time to tell the story of your brand. TrueView Ads can be a call to action and can engage the audience you’re targeting. They can be placed before a YouTube video, as a banner, and underneath a YouTube playlist. They reach a wider audience than Non-Skippable Ads and Bumper Ads and are best suited for the brands that are looking to get their name out there if you will.


There are few better ways to make your brand known that advertising on social media platforms. In this day and age, the average person spends many hours of their day on their phones and keeping up with what others are doing on social media. Many companies have taken advantage of this, targeting specific audiences to sell their product to. Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, in particular, are great platforms to promote a brand and expand your business.


Want a video to be displayed on the homepage of your website? We can do that, too! Short-form advertisements on your website are a great way of introducing prospective clients to your brand. In an age where visual media is more prevalent than ever before, video advertising is a great way to tell your story, your way.

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